10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Eagles’ “Hotel California” Album

December 8, 2020 – We are doing a live broadcast to chat about John Lennon later today but let’s not forget the 44th birthday of this classic album. Jason Klose​, who is the head writer of our sister channel “Rock History Book” wrote this excellent look back at the album. […]

Kenny Passarelli: The Big Money Came From Working With Elton John

Here Kenny talks about the money he made with Joe Walsh, Stephen Still and Elton John. How the breakup of that version of the Elton John band was so hard on drummer Roger Pope who died in 2013. Also he chats about touring with Hall & Oates before they really […]

Don Henley On Deacon Frey’s Future With The Eagles

Could the Eagles have continued without the help of Deacon Frey? No according to Henley. The singer/drummer told Rolling Stone magazine they needed “family blood’ to keep the Eagles’ spirit alive. So is there a specific time on how long Deacon will be in the Eagles? Henley said, the “wonderful […]