INTERVIEW #5 – Lenny Zakatek Wants To Play With Alan Parsons Again

The main singer in the Alan Parsons Project was Parsons’ musical partner Eric Woolfson but right behind him was Lenny Zakatek. Here is the rundown Woolfson sang 17 lead vocals, Zakatek 12, John Miles 9 and Chris Rainbow 8. Eric Woolfson died in 2009 at the age of 64. It’s not the Alan Parsons Project anymore it’s actually The Alan Parsons Live Project and Lenny Zakatek wants to join that band.

Alan Parson actually produced Lenny’s self titled album from 1979. Look it up on YouTube it’s amazing especially the tune ‘Do It Right’ – we will put links to it in the description of this video. The album fell through the cracks we asked him about that. All the Alan Parsons Project fans will remember the band Keats which was an offspring of players from the Parsons project. CLIP 001

Before Alan Parsons Project Zakatek was involved with a classic Disco/R&B/funk band Gonzalez that was a springboard for a lot of things

Lenny Zakatek’s latest album is called ‘Love Letters’ where he does some of his favorite tunes like ‘Fooled Around and Fell In Love,’ ‘How Can You Mend a Broken Heart,”I Can’t Make You Love Me’ just to name a few. – by John Beaudin

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